; The dos and don'ts of social media for businesses | Niggel

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The dos and don'ts of social media for businesses

If you want to promote your company and ensure that it gains online visibility then you can consider social media contests that are not only an effective medium but free as well. Similarly there are several other social media strategies that you can use to get more traffic, generate leads and sales while there are a few things that you have to avoid to get maximum benefits.

Have a plan
If you have a goal in life then you need to have a plan so that you can work towards it. The same applies for social media strategies for small businesses. Of course there are some merits to random acts of kindness, but remember that random is not a word that you can associate with social media today.

Set boundaries
It’s important to have your rules set in place; from age limits to location specifications, entry period etc. You should also make this information easily visible to your contestants so that they won’t miss it. This will make sure that there is no misunderstanding and confusion throughout the contest. That’s the reason setting boundaries is critical right at the onset and you should also make it a point to stick to the rules you have set.

Add value
Social media should be looked at as an additional medium of communication. It’s important to add value to your content so that you make a mark with your clients, users and fans alike. If you are trying to cater to the fans then think of ways and content that will make them sit up and take notice. Once that’s done your users will keep checking on things to see what else you have to say. Bear in mind that your social media pages are not to express your personal interests but should be tailor made for your customers.

Stay authentic
If you want to maintain your business identity and make your mark then it’s important to stay authentic at all times. Let your online presence express your true beliefs. It often gets tricky but think of it from your audiences’ point of view. Once they find you they need to know what they should expect. That’s why authenticity and consistency is the key.

Build your network
The big idea of social media is to set up a network with your audience. It can be a grave mistake to set up a Twitter or Facebook page, add some press releases and forget all about it. The good thing about social media is that you have access to your present and potential customers. Make the most out of it by starting forums and groups with a community manager who constantly interacts with them. You are also well served by following industry experts and joining groups with common interests.

Ask questions
Do you want to get hundreds of comments on your posts? Then there’s only one way to go about it; ask them direct questions. Keep the questions relevant, simple and conversational. Don’t make them about your own opinions and use visual imagery wherever you can so that users will pay attention and want to engage.

Avoid multiple profiles
It can get very tricky to manage multiple profiles, no matter how hard you try. But it doesn’t have to be an all or nothing philosophy where you live out your life on social media. However if you have chosen to be on a particular platform then you should take the effort to understand security settings. It will help you keep tabs on things you want to post privately and publicly.

Avoid spamming
Spam is a put off, be it with emails or social media. Don’t overdo things because posting the same content over and over again can get you reported and your page runs the risk of being shut down. You can also turn your fan base away from you.

Negative feedback should be taken on the chin
If you are on social media there’s bound to be some kind of negative comments. It’s tempting to filter them out so that you protect your brand’s reputation. But that will not be taken kindly by consumers who like to know that all types of voices are heard. Hence it’s a good idea to listen to the negative comments rather than just deleting them. You can try and understand why you are getting this negative feedback in the first place and respond politely. It can actually help you address the issues people have and it will lend you credibility.

Use more than one network
If you have found a good article or piece of content, you can share it on different platforms you are on. It shouldn’t be exclusive to any particular medium. That’s the way it works with social media today. But you have to remember that the content shared on Facebook might have to be dressed up differently to be shared on LinkedIn. The tone of every network has to be kept in mind when doing that.

Don’t get into promotional overdrive
Brand accounts are followed because people like to build a relationship with them. They are looking for an experience with a brand and don’t want to be bombarded with advertising every given opportunity. Your content on social media cannot be just about your brand; it can include things from your site or other sites, which might have similar interests. It will be an interesting mix of things for your users.

Don’t hide behind your logo
This is the time to come out from the shadow of your logo, and share personalities behind the brand. Your users find it easier to relate to people behind the brand as they can relate to them and it builds invaluable trust too.

Don’t be robots; share your voice
You might be using social media to promote your brand but you will find that bringing in some personality into it will add to the success of your campaign. You can easily do it by offering your expertise on a relevant subject or just thanking them for re-tweets. You can also share some personal details and build a level of familiarity with users. Of course have an opinion, but try and stay a human voice rather than sounding like a robot

Author bio:

I am Ramya Raju a freelance web design writer with 8 yrs of extensive blogging experience on a variety of online publishing and social-media platforms. I generally write high-quality articles on travel, photography, SEO, Web design, English courses, and generic topics too. I’m also an extrovert with a passion for photography, anthropology and travelling to different countries to learn the culture and living of the local inhabitants. Website: http://www.colorcharacter.com/uk/services


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