The newest Facebook tool promises to help users find just about anything on Facebook in a distinctive way. Graph search has the potential of being informative and is valuable to both individual users and businesses. There are ways you can optimize your Facebook page so that other users can discover you or your business more if you choose of course.
1. Include things you would like others to discover in your profile
If you are entrepreneur and would like to be discovered by people of a certain geographical area, make sure to update your profile to read your current hometown and mention that you are an entrepreneur in the work and education section, preferably. The graph search will let users query entrepreneurs in your location to find new people to connect with.
2. Make sure your page is complete and up to date
Users who have complete profiles are more likely to be discovered than those who haven't, according to facebook. Ensure therefore that you fill all the relevant information, keep your profile up to date, and regularly maintained.
3. Share valuable content
Modern search algorithms deliver only fresh and engaging content. To ensure you page is put out there for others to view it, ensure your content will be helpful and up to date. People like viewing content that will help them and that is correct.
4. It's all about location
Whether your profile is for a business or for individual use, updating your address and location will help users find you if their search is location specific. For a local business, ensuring that you set up the page a local page will help users discover you if they are searching for services in your specific location. In the local page, ensure you add your address, hours of business and phone number to help people find you more easily
5. Increase your fan base
The facebook graph search has a great functionality that helps users find others who share the same interests. As such, it's possible to find places or things that your target fans like. You need fans for your page, and not just any fans, but relevant ones, who are fans within your region and with the same interests. Buying fans is not such a good idea as they will just like your page to get paid and may not be interested in your product.
The best way to get more fans is adding a like box on your page or on your website and encouraging users to like your page. Another alternative would be Facebook advertising, if you have many fans advertise your page on your fans or friends profiles. Create sponsored stories that will make friends of your fans to like your page also. If you don't have a lot of fans yet, use the general advertising option to target users who are demographic and interest specific to discover and view your page.
6. Encourage users to tag and like your photos
Actions on your profile are proof that users really like your brand. The more fans post and share photos using check-in or tag the better. If your business doesn't lend itself to check ins or photos, get creative ways to encourage this. Also, encourage employers to post photos that are relevant and share with others. If users are searching for photos of their friends, they might see a photo of their friend tagged on your page. Users can also filter to search for photos by the pages they like. All of this helps keep your profile busy and if you are a business owner, people are likely to be interested to know what you offer that their friends like. The more interactions there are on your page, the more you will appear on graphic search and reach more users.
7. Make it easy
Users don't proactively search for brands to like on facebook. Make sure you provide clear visible links to your page on your website, emails, blog, or wherever else you have content. Make sure that users can easily like your page without putting too much effort or time.
Once you have attracted the right users on your page, make sure to keep them engaged and offer up to date and relevant content to keep them interested.
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