; The benefits of an on hold phone message for your business | Niggel

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The benefits of an on hold phone message for your business

People get bored with listening to music while on hold. To stop them ending their calls, record a good on hold phone message.

It is rightly said that running a business is no mean feat. You need to take care of a lot of things simultaneously and hence the bigger the business is, the more difficult it becomes to handle it alone. Even if you manage to handle your business well, to stay in competition you have to constantly innovate to attract clients or customers. A simple change can make a huge difference to the revenue of your company. For example, getting a website for your company can ensure increased visibility and eventually increased profit through new clients or customer. Hence you see, it is extremely important that you think of all the small details regarding your business and try to innovate to stay ahead of your competitors in attracting clients or customers.

One such small thing that can have a huge impact on your business revenue is what you have as your phone on hold recording. Most businesses have music as their phone on hold and some businesses have nothing whereas some have radio stations tuned in. It has been noted that most businesses spend a lot of time, effort and money on making their phones ring for customer or client enquiry. But it is also a well know fact that most calls are ended by the callers when they are put on hold since no one has the time or interest to listen to some music playing on or some radio station or worse still receive the silent treatment. They would rather call up some other businesses that have something interesting to offer as their phone on hold or provide prompt answering service.

What you can do is record unique on hold phone messages that would describe your company, the products you have to offer, the values of your company and other such things. There are many companies that offer the service of creating unique on hold messages for your business phone. Many businesses that have already incorporated this service have accepted a few facts. Firstly, a well recorded on hold phone message decreases the chance of ending the call while on hold immensely since it successfully holds the attention of the caller. Secondly, many callers express interest in a product that they heard about in the on hold message while calling to enquire about some other product. Thirdly a good on hold message enables the caller to think that the company cares about the caller enough to have recorded an on hold message that would entertain a caller while on hold.

One thing though that you need to remember while incorporating an on call phone message in your business phone is that the message should be interesting. If a caller loses interest listening to your message and ends the call halfway, your reason for incorporating the service would remain unfulfilled. Hence make sure you give the task to a company that is well experienced in this field and has a good feedback from companies who have already used their services. 


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