; Boost your Marketing Campaign with 'LinkedIn Endorsements' | Niggel

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Boost your Marketing Campaign with 'LinkedIn Endorsements'

Effective marketing is what often differentiates slow-growing or held-up business from companies that have grown at a fast pace though both were launched almost simultaneously, cater to similar markets and offer similar products. Companies like Coca-Cola, Frito-Lay and Gillette flourished in extremely cut-throat markets because, even though they manufacture similar products, they out-sell their competitors. So for one’s industry to grow, one has to become an efficient salesperson, promoter and advertiser of one’s product.

For a marketing campaign to be successful, it should be original and innovative. Hence, big companies invest huge amounts of capital for the development of innovative promotion campaigns. While such promotions are necessary for big companies, they are more important for small companies.

Social networking is the coming together of people who share similar ideas. Even though, social networking can be done at a personal level, especially in offices and schools, the most popular form of socializing today is online networking.  There are many sites involved in social networking – the most popular being FaceBook, Twitter, Orkut, MySpace and LinkedIn.

LinkedIn uses a very different method to reach its viewers. This site is planned to help and support entrepreneurs and businesses. For business owners who are intending to start an internet promotion crusade, LinkedIn can be extremely valuable. This site allows users to keep a list of the information of people that one has an association with and these people are termed as Connections.

LinkedInintroduced Endorsements on 24th September 2012. Endorsement lets users approve the expertise and capabilities of the acquaintances in their network.  Endorsements are a proficient way to promptly provide the person who is browsing their web page, an idea of their proficiency. This provides added credibility to the capabilities and expertise recorded on a person’s profile when compared to a resume. Though endorsements can only be made by connections of the first-degree and hence can be considered reliable, endorsements from persons known to you at your workplace, like a colleague, works out better. Since the launch, more than five hundred and fifty million endorsements have been made by LinkedIn users.

While endorsements in LinkedIn can be done at the individual level, it can also be used for marketing campaigns. LinkedIn is the ideal innovative advertising tool for small entrepreneurs and businesses as it is cost-effective and it has a huge number of probable viewers that one can get in touch with through this network. Currently, LinkedIn has sixty million members. This opens innumerable networking options for those entrepreneurs who want to promote themselves via this method.

Also LinkedIn does not charge a huge amount of money for promoting your product on their network. However, tremendous effort needs to be put in, in terms of socializing to make this promotional endeavor a success. As your socializing increases, the number of endorsing that you get also increases, which in turn converts to more business for you.

In a summary, LinkedIn Endorsementsare of immense help to anybody who wants to seriously boost their business. Whether you prefer it or not, LinkedIn Endorsements are going to be an important way to market one’s business. So reach out to endorse people that you know, get reconnected, start socializing and get endorsed.


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